Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Quest begins...

So much has happened, I don’t even know where to start! Back in Xen Wei, I went to the Spirit World! Not by myself, I couldn't have done that. No, Song Lu came and spoke to us, and Kara took us into the Spirit Lands and we flew on the Heron's back! It would have been the greatest thing ever, but Song Lu was showing us spiritual unrest in the world. It was pretty upsetting.

And it's up to us to fix it! You know the folks I talked about before? Well, they're all here with me and Kara. Because the next Avatar is just a baby, and whoever it is certainly can't fix things like this yet.

The first place we've traveled to is Qingdao, which is still in the Fire Nation. It's a lot bigger than Xen Wei, which is good and bad. Good, because there are markets here. Bad, because are bars here, and Kaizen's a "drown your sorrows" type of guy. I can't believe the things he's willing to eat just so he'll have money left for booze. Sometimes I wonder if he would eat at all, if there was a choice between the two.

I'm not stupid, I know there's a reason for the way he is. But Rin lost practically everything, and she's okay. She's way less scary than I first thought. She taught me to play cinderball! Jia lost her boyfriend. And Kara's lost so much... although she's pretty gloomy sometimes. Sometimes I'll say the stupidest thing I can think of, just to get her to smile. But they haven't given up hope, not like Kaizen seems to have done.

But I won't say that I don't want Kaizen with us, because I'd be lying. He's a really powerful firebender, and he's good at talking to people. When he's sober. Sober-ish. Kara said he used to be a teacher, and it shows. And it's not just him, it's the other girls too. Kaizen keeps saying he doesn't believe in fate, but how else would a group like ours have come together? It's like we just fit together. Mostly.

Anyway, back to Qingdao. So there were these spirits possessing people and trying to get to the city magistrate, but it turns out the the magistrate told some soldiers they could dig up the cemetery! How awful is that?! So we went to the cemetery, and the soldiers are some remnant of Chin's army, they call themselves the Iron Empire and want to banish the spirits. We beat this lot, but there's more of them. It's going to be Trouble!

Plus Kara thinks we might have to go see a spirit called Koh the Face-stealer. She doesn't want me there, which stings a little. I'm not a little kid anymore, and I've helped out a lot. It was my idea to show the angry Qingdao spirits that we were trying to help, and it worked!

I hope that the majordomo can pay us. I don't really care a lot about money, but Kara said she'd buy me a lemur-bat. That'd be nice, and I have a name all picked out--but I think it'll have to wait. We don't even have enough for food right now. All I have left is a wilted bunch of leeks, half a daikon, and a small bag of rice. I'd even eat stewed sea prunes at this point.

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