Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Xen Wei

Kara was right again. There definitely was something in Xen Wei for us--we helped a spirit named Song Lu! I wonder if the heron spirit will ever run into Jovo. I hope he puts in a good word for Kara, because without her, his shrine would never have been built properly!

It's kind of nice, helping people out like this. It's hard work, but it's nice. I think we made some friends, too. There's Rin, who's from Xen Wei, and she has the cutest little dragon dove. Katsu's a little shy, but I'll make friends with him, you'll see! Rin's a little prickly. Actually, she scares me a little. She's pretty intense.

Then there's Jia, who I got to chat with for a while while we took the slooooow route back to Xen Wei from the bandit village. She's nice, but she seems a little sad. She enjoys life, and the sadness isn't painful--like Kaizen's--but I can still see it. Maybe it's just Xen Wei, though. She lost someone from here. And she likes pie! She should go to the Eastern Air Temple--they make the best pies anywhere!

Yeah, Kaizen. Wow. Kara says she knows him from a long time ago, but when I asked her she got all dreary and mysterious. Like she does sometimes. He's not a mean person, but he's not going out of his way to be pleasant to anyone. He does, however, have the coolest friend ever. A dragon! He's huge, and has one eye, and his whiskers have gone grey so he must be really old. Scorch, not Kaizen.

And Rong Bei Fong, who's the first noble I've ever met. She's really nice, I can't see why everyone badmouths the nobility all the time. Her clothes are so pretty! I hope that I can have a dress like that someday, but I'll never be able to keep it as clean as she does. Even in the middle of the forest after sleeping in a muddy hole. Being an Earthbender must really cut down on the laundry!

Kara keeps saying that there's something else going on, that Song Lu's shrine was just the beginning of some bigger adventure. Well, she didn't say it like that. Whatever it is, I hope it starts soon. Xen Wei's going to be a nice little town, but I haven't flown in DAYS! It's starting to get a little boring here, just building stuff.

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